The ultra-resistant grass in a 1 kg seed box is an ideal solution for gardens and green spaces that undergo intense use. This grass is specially formulated to offer increased resistance to trampling, UV rays and dryness, while maintaining an intense green color.
The ultra-resistant grass in a 1 kg seed box is an ideal solution for gardens and green spaces that undergo intense use. This grass is specially formulated to offer increased resistance to trampling, UV rays and dryness, while maintaining an intense green color.
The 1 kg seed box contains a mixture of different varieties of grasses, such as ryegrass, bluegrass, tall fescue and red fescue. Each variety is chosen for its specific characteristics, such as drought resistance, trampling resistance, disease and pest resistance, and to offer a resistant and aesthetic turf.
Ultra-resistant grass can be sown from spring to autumn, but the best sowing times are spring and autumn. The ideal conditions for sowing are temperatures above 10°C, good humidity and no frost.
Soil preparation: Before sowing, prepare the soil surface by removing stones, weeds and leveling it. The surface should be thin and even.
Seeding: Distribute seeds evenly using a manual seeder or automatic seeder, following the seeding density instructions on the package. For better germination, lightly rake the soil surface after sowing.
Watering: Water abundantly immediately after sowing, then water regularly to keep the soil moist until seeds emerge.
Maintenance: once the first shoots appear, gradually reduce the frequency of watering. Let the grass grow to a height of 5-7 cm before proceeding to the first mowing. Ultra-resistant grass requires little maintenance and is resistant to diseases and pests.
In summary, the ultra-resistant 1kg seed box grass is a carefully selected grass blend to provide increased resistance to trampling, UV rays and drought, while maintaining an intense green color. It can be sown from spring to autumn following the advice of sowing and maintenance. This grass is perfect for playgrounds, sports fields, public spaces or family gardens.