This plant, which does not fear heat or drought, replaces spinach very well during the summer, especially in warmer regions.
This plant, which does not fear heat or drought, replaces spinach very well during the summer, especially in warmer regions.
Culinary tip:
The leaves of the horned tetragon are delicious cooked and tanned like spinach.
Soil tip:
To make it easier to lift, soak the seeds in water for 24 hours before sowing. The tetragon likes sun and heat.
Culture advice:
1. Sows: Sow in May, in poquets (small holes in which several seeds are placed) of 4-5 seeds, 60 x 80 cm apart.
2. Thinning: Lighten if the plants are too tight.
3. Harvest: Harvest from August to October. To have tetragons from July, sow under cover in March-April.
The tetragon likes the proximity of the strawberry which allows it to have a larger production with softer leaves.
2x2 m
Bag comprising 5g of seeds
The stages of sowing:
This plant, which does not fear heat or drought, replaces spinach very well during the summer, especially in warmer regions.