Instructions for planting and seeding Parys spinach from Vilmorin are as follows:
Choose a sunny or partial shade spot to plant your spinach seeds. Make sure the soil is well drained and rich in nutrients. You can add compost or manure to improve soil quality.
You can sow Parys spinach seeds directly into the soil when temperatures reach around 10°C. Plant the seeds about 2 cm deep and space them 20 to 30 cm apart.
Water your spinach regularly to keep the soil moist, but make sure the soil isn't too soggy. It may be necessary to mulch around the base of plants to preserve soil moisture and reduce weeds.
You can start harvesting Parys spinach leaves as soon as they reach about 7-10 cm in length. Cut the outermost leaves first and let the younger ones grow. You can continue harvesting this way until the plants are completely depleted.
In general, Parys spinach is an easy variety to grow, which can be harvested quickly and is very productive. It is important to follow planting and care instructions to ensure a bountiful and quality harvest.