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Engrais Géranium Dipladénias, Surfinias , boite de 800grs soit 400L

Specific NPK balance perfectly suited to the needs of all geraniums, dipladedias and surfinias. High concentration of potash to ensure significant floral development and intensely coloured flowers.
109 Items
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Specific NPK balance perfectly suited to the needs of all geraniums, dipladedias and surfinias.
High concentration of potash to ensure significant floral development and intensely coloured flowers.
Rich in magnesia, nutrient assimilation is favoured.
Enriched with specific micronutrients that optimize the assimilation of fertilizing elements and strengthen the strength of your crops.


ENGRAIS NPK (MgO) 10-15-30 (3) containing Oligo-elements
10% total nitrogen (N)
15% water-soluble phosphoric anhydride (P2O5)
30% water-soluble potassium oxide (K2O)
3% water-soluble magnesium oxide (MgO)
Enriched with iron and other water-soluble trace elements

109 Items

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