Potting soil for green and flowering houseplants is a vital part of your plants' healthy and vigorous growth. Designed to meet the specific needs of houseplants, this ready-to-use potting soil provides an airy, draining structure, essential for optimal root development.
This potting soil is distinguished by its rich and balanced composition, including blond and brown peat, composted bark, Greenpeat, and 4/7 pozzolana. The addition of NPK fertilizer and crushed horn enriches the mix, providing your plants with all the nutrients needed for vibrant growth. Pozzolana, in particular, provides excellent drainage, preventing excess moisture and promoting root health.
To use this potting soil, start by choosing a pot that is slightly larger than the previous one. Make sure the pot has drainage holes. Fill the bottom of the pot with a layer of potting soil, position the plant in the center, and then fill in the gaps with the rest of the potting soil. Tamp down lightly and water well after repotting to establish contact between the roots and the new potting soil.
Whether you're looking to repot green plants or flowering plants, this potting soil is the perfect choice. Its balanced formulation supports a variety of houseplants, from the most delicate to the hardy, providing an ideal environment for their development.