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Seed bag Flower mixes for Land Turtles 10m²

The land turtle feeds mainly on grasses, leaves and fruits. It is important to offer him a varied diet rich in minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. The leaves of wild chicory and dandelion are particularly beneficial for its shell thanks to their high calcium content
101 Items
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The land turtle feeds mainly on grasses, leaves and fruits. It is important to offer him a varied diet rich in minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. The leaves of wild chicory and dandelion are particularly beneficial for its shell thanks to their high calcium content. Flowers such as nasturtium, mallow, hollyhock, and marigold are also valued for their variety and color. The ingredients included in this blend are: red arroche, nasturtium Tom Thumb, wild chicory, horned lotier, wood mallow, Lamarck's evening primrose, dandelion, lanceolate plantain, sainfoin, marigold, red clover and white clover. 

  1. Seedling:
    Sow the seeds by scattering them on the ground and tamp the soil to sink them slightly.
    Origin: France
  2. Maintenance:
    If the plants are too tight, remove the smaller ones to promote their growth.
  3. Harvest or decoration:
    Harvest according to your pet's needs, from June to October. Tip: This mix allows you to provide your pets with fresh and varied food.
101 Items

Technical data sheet

The land turtle feeds mainly on grasses, leaves and fruits
It is important to offer him a varied diet rich in minerals such as calcium and phosphorus.
The leaves of wild chicory and dandelion are particularly beneficial for its shell thanks to their high calcium content
Flowers such as nasturtium, mallow, hollyhock, and marigold are also valued for their variety and color.
Harvest according to your pet's needs, from June to October. Tip: This mix allows you to provide your pets with fresh and varied food.

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