MULTICOOL-404 is a mixture of dimethyl methane and trimethylic methane, two natural hydrocarbon refrigerant gases. This mixture can be used refrigerators at medium and low temperature. It is perfect for use in household and commercial air conditioning and refrigeration systems.
MULTICOOL-404 is the state-of-the-art solution for manufacturers of refrigeration equipment for coolers, refrigeration chambers and fractional air conditioning systems designed for hydrocarbons.
The safe application of hydrocarbon refrigerants by accredited technical experts is guaranteed by a common sense approach and compliance with applicable safety standards and regulations.
In other words, hydrocarbon refrigerant may also be available in refrigerators and air conditioning systems. However, like gasoline, solvents and other common volatiles, hydrocarbon refrigerant is highly flammable, so its release should be avoided when an ignition source is present. The self-deignition temperature of the refrigerant is 460-470 degrees Celsius.
The 1000 ml aerosol contains 400 grams (equivalent to 880 grams of R 404a or R407C).