Refrige is a high-purity R600a [isobutane], the single-ingredient dominant refrigerant used in the most modern commercial and light domestic refrigeration systems.
Refrige is a high purity R600a [isobutane], the dominant single ingredient refrigerant used in the most modern light commercial and household refrigeration systems.
greenfreeze Refrige is the natural organic solution for medium temperature refrigeration.
Its superior thermodynamic properties make it ideal for use in systems aiming for an AA energy efficiency rating.
It is the refrigerant of choice for household and light commercial refrigeration units, including refrigerators and freezers, beverage dispensers and freestanding display units.
Characteristics :
Hydrocarbon-based refrigerants are flammable and should be handled in a safe and responsible manner by qualified, trained and / or experienced technicians and mechanics. Relevant regulations or standards must always be observed.
The most commonly used refrigerants, when mixed with oil vapor and air, can be flammable. Simply put, hydrocarbon-based refrigerant is safe for refrigeration and air conditioning. However, like gasoline, solvents and other commonly used volatiles, hydrocarbons are flammable agents and therefore should not be released in the presence of an ignition source.
greenfreeze hydrocarbon @1W5D8 emit a distinctive "rotting cabbage" odor making it easier to detect leaks. The smell may fade over time.
Product composition
4.5 kg carboys
The cylinders are fitted with a standard coolant sampling valve.
greenfreeze Refrige does not require a license or approval to be handled because it is considered not to contribute to global warming (EU regulation n ° 517/2014)