This variety gives squash to the flesh of excellent quality.
Its initially green bark has the distinction of becoming orange red at maturity.
This variety gives squash to the flesh of excellent quality.
Its initially green bark has the distinction of becoming orange red at maturity.
Culinary tip:
Squash is delicious in soups, pies, mashed potatoes or as an aperitif.
Soil tip:
For large squash, cover the stem in places to allow new roots to be created. Squash likes sunny exposure.
Culture advice:
1. Sows: Sow 4-5 seeds in May in small, shallow holes 60 x 80 cm apart.
2. Thinning: When your plants have 3-4 leaves, keep only the most vigorous plant in each hole and pull out the others.
3. Harvest: Harvest from October to December. For a harvest as early as September, sow under cover from March-April.
Squash likes the proximity of radish because its presence keeps insects and other aphids away.
Bag comprising 6g of seeds
Up to 10 feet
The stages of sowing:
This variety gives squash to the flesh of excellent quality.
Its initially green bark has the distinction of becoming orange red at maturity.