This variety will give you fruits as curious as decorative by their colors and their original shape. These pumpkins, of medium size (5 to 6 kg), have a fine, sweet and delicately flavoured flesh.
This variety will give you fruits as curious as decorative by their colors and their original shape. These pumpkins, of medium size (5 to 6 kg), have a fine, sweet and delicately flavoured flesh.
Culinary tip:
Pumpkin can be eaten in mashed potatoes, soups, and fall pies.
Soil tip:
To have large pumpkins, cover the stem in places to allow the creation of new roots. He likes a very sunny exhibition.
Culture advice:
1. Sows: Sow 4-5 seeds in May in small shallow holes 1m x 1.50m apart.
2. Thinning: When your plants have 3-4 leaves, keep only the most vigorous in each hole and pull out the others.
3. Harvest: Harvest from October to December. To have pumpkins from September, sow under cover in March-April.
Pumpkin likes proximity to radish because it keeps insects and other aphids away.
Up to 6 feet
The stages of sowing:
This variety will give you fruits as curious as decorative by their colors and their original shape. These pumpkins, of medium size (5 to 6 kg), have a fine, sweet and delicately flavoured flesh.