A delightful little compact plant producing butterfly-shaped flowers of an unmistakable intense blue. This very flowering variety will make your beds and borders beautiful flowery carpets.
Blooming abundantly
A delightful little compact plant producing butterfly-shaped flowers of an unmistakable intense blue. This very flowering variety will make your beds and borders beautiful flowery carpets.
Height: 15cm
Soil tip:
They appreciate deep, fertile and relatively cool soils.
Deco ideas:
The lobelies also form beautiful flowering groups in pots, planters and balconies. Pair them in your garden with begonias, carniacs, impatiens or sage.
The stages of sowing:
Sow good exposure in April-May.
At the 4-5-leaf stage, transplant your plants at good exposure.
In May-June, plant your lobelies in their final location.
A delightful little compact plant producing butterfly-shaped flowers of an unmistakable intense blue. This very flowering variety will make your beds and borders beautiful flowery carpets.