This compact variety will brighten up your garden with its abundant and long flowering and brightly coloured flowers. Its foliage limits the appearance of weeds.
Flowers for a long time
This compact variety will brighten up your garden with its abundant and long flowering and brightly coloured flowers. Its foliage limits the appearance of weeds.
Height: 30cm
Soil tip:
This variety blooms best in poor soil. It tolerates maritime climates.
Deco ideas:
Dwarf capuchins combine very well with the beautiful daytime, marigolds and pillets of India. For potted crops, avoid any association, they are sufficient on their own.
The stages of sowing:
Sow from April to May on the fly in the open ground or in lines 30 cm apart or by placing 5 to 6 seeds in small holes spaced 30 cm apart.
At the 4-5-leaf stage, thin the smallest plants to leave only one capuchin every 30 cm.
This compact variety will brighten up your garden with its abundant and long flowering and brightly coloured flowers. Its foliage limits the appearance of weeds.