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Tous les produits présents dans les catégories ci dessous sont des produits en déstockage pour diverses raisons: retours clients , arret de gammme d'un produit, emballages abimés lors des livraisons, dates d'utilisations conseillées dépassées... Tous les produits ont été vérifiés et sont en parfait état de fonctionnement.
Capucine Naine Seed Bag in ORGANIC Mix - Tropaeolum majus
Native to Central America, it is planted as well as a gardener, pots, clumps or as a companion plant in the vegetable garden. Very easy to succeed, it is adorned all summer with multicolored flowers. Annual flower.
Native to Central America, it is planted as well as a gardener, pots, clumps or as a companion plant in the vegetable garden. Very easy to succeed, it is adorned all summer with multicolored flowers. Annual flower.
Description Tip Vilmorin: Capuchin is beneficial to vegetables such as cabbage and tomatoes, as it attracts aphids that prefer it to vegetables.
Sow in February-March, in pots or shelter, or in April-May, in the middle of the ground. Create planters, suspensions, beds or a few feet in the vegetable garden and admire 4-5 months after sowing.
Native to Central America, it is planted as well as a gardener, pots, clumps or as a companion plant in the vegetable garden. Very easy to succeed, it is adorned all summer with multicolored flowers. Annual flower.