This recommended variety for summer-autumn crops has the advantage of being slow to seed climb.
It will give you a voluminous lettuce with blond green foliage. The lettuce is eaten in salads but also braised or smothered.
This recommended variety for summer-autumn crops has the advantage of being slow to seed climb.
It will give you a voluminous lettuce with blond green foliage. The lettuce is eaten in salads but also braised or smothered.
Culinary tip:
The lettuce is eaten in salads but also braised or smothered.
Soil tip:
To avoid seed climbing and extend the harvest period, water regularly.
Lettuce likes sunny exposure.
Culture advice:
1. Sows: Sow in the middle of the earth from April to July in lines 30 cm apart.
2. Lightening: At the 2-3 leaf stage, remove the smallest lettuces and keep only the most vigorous ones to leave only one lettuce every 30 cm.
3. Harvest: Harvest from late June to October To have lettuce from the end of May, sow under cover from February.
Apple lettuce likes the proximity of the radish because by sowing them together, the lettuce is less likely to rise to seed.
The stages of sowing:
This recommended variety for summer-autumn crops has the advantage of being slow to seed climb.
It will give you a voluminous lettuce with blond green foliage. The lettuce is eaten in salads but also braised or smothered.