This biennial variety, branched at the base, is covered with clusters of very fragrant flowers in bright and varied colors.
Very fragrant
This biennial variety, branched at the base, is covered with clusters of very fragrant flowers in bright and varied colors.
Height: 40cm
Soil tip:
They grow in all healthy soils even dry.
Deco ideas:
The cloves are also elegant bouquet flowers. Combine them in your garden with myosotis, thoughts, tulips and hyacinths.
The stages of sowing:
Sow from May to July in a rich and fine land in mid-shade and thencup the soil. At the 3-4 leaf stage, plant the most vigorous plants 10 cm apart in the middle of the shade.
Just before winter, place your cloves in pots under a shelter.
The following spring, plant them in the ground 30 cm away.
This biennial variety, branched at the base, is covered with clusters of very fragrant flowers in bright and varied colors.