This exceptional variety with its flowering time will embellish your garden with its very original flowers with their petals and colors ranging from pure white to dark purple through red, pink and blue tones. The queen-marguerite will bring colour to your garden at the end of the season, when summer flowers begin to decline.
Flowers for a long time
This exceptional variety with its flowering time will embellish your garden with its very original flowers with their petals and colors ranging from pure white to dark purple through red, pink and blue tones. The queen-marguerite will bring colour to your garden at the end of the season, when summer flowers begin to decline.
Height: 50cm
Soil tip:
They appreciate fresh but well-drained, fertile, alkaline-neutral soils.
Deco ideas:
Make with these high daisies beautiful colorful bouquets for your interior. Pair them in your garden with giant Indian roses, suns, dahlias and ageratums.
The stages of sowing:
Sow from Mars to May under cover in a tray of soil.
At the 3-4 leaf stage, plant your plants in pots that are always under cover.
In May-June, replant your daisy queens at their final location 25 cm away.
This exceptional variety with its flowering time will embellish your garden with its very original flowers with their petals and colors ranging from pure white to dark purple through red, pink and blue tones. The queen-marguerite will bring colour to your garden at the end of the season, when summer flowers begin to decline.