Very nice variety of annual poppy producing large scarlet red flowers with a center in the shape of a cross cream color reminiscent of the Danish flag.
Very nice variety of annual poppy producing large scarlet red flowers with a center in the shape of a cross cream color reminiscent of the Danish flag.
Height: 80cm
Soil tip:
Poppies prefer deep, fertile and well-drained soils, even limestone.
Deco ideas:
Combine your poppies in your garden with later flowering flowers that will replace them during the summer such as cosmos, clarkias, marigolds and zinnias. In dried flowers, they are also very decorative.
The stages of sowing:
Sow in March-April on the fly directly into the ground.
Lighten by ripping off the smallest plants to leave only one poppy every 20 cm or so.
Very nice variety of annual poppy producing large scarlet red flowers with a center in the shape of a cross cream color reminiscent of the Danish flag.