Very decorative variety by its fruits: the bright red parchment chalices are puffed up like lamps. Often called "Love in a Cage", it is very popular for dry bouquets.
Flowers every year
Very decorative variety by its fruits: the bright red parchment chalices are puffed up like lamps. Often called "Love in a Cage", it is very popular for dry bouquets.
Height: 50cm
Soil tip:
Physalis adapt to all well-drained soils.
Deco ideas:
Use Physalis for the composition of dry bouquets in combination with acrocliniums, statics and immortals. To do this, cut the stems as soon as the lanterns begin to colour.
The stages of sowing:
Sow from February to April under a shelter in a fine and rich land.
Once your plants have 3-4 leaves, replant the most vigorous ones always under a shelter.
In May, plant your plants 30 cm away.
Very decorative variety by its fruits: the bright red parchment chalices are puffed up like lamps. Often called "Love in a Cage", it is very popular for dry bouquets.