Tous les produits présents dans les catégories ci dessous sont des produits en déstockage pour diverses raisons: retours clients , arret de gammme d'un produit, emballages abimés lors des livraisons, dates d'utilisations conseillées dépassées... Tous les produits ont été vérifiés et sont en parfait état de fonctionnement.
Tous les produits présents dans les catégories ci dessous sont des produits en déstockage pour diverses raisons: retours clients , arret de gammme d'un produit, emballages abimés lors des livraisons, dates d'utilisations conseillées dépassées... Tous les produits ont été vérifiés et sont en parfait état de fonctionnement.
The INCARNAT TRIFle is an annual plant with very pretty red flowers. Like all legumes, it fixes nitrogen from the air and returns it to the soil thanks to its highly developed root system. Its development is rapid and it adapts to all terrains and exhibitions.
The INCARNAT TRIFle is an annual plant with very pretty red flowers. Like all legumes, it fixes nitrogen from the air and returns it to the soil thanks to its highly developed root system. Its development is rapid and it adapts to all terrains and exhibitions. High in protein, it is also appreciated as fodder for animals.
Family: EMERTILE VERTS Category: Naturally nourishing the earth Type: Plants for soil Planting period: MARCH/AVRIL and AUGUST to OCTOBER Harvest period: MAY/JUNE and OCTOBER to DECEMBRE Height: 30 to 40 cm Exposure: sun, half shade Watering: medium Soil: all floors T-ground: 15 degrees Yield: 125 sqm
Culture steps:
I sow:
Prepare the soil superficially by scratching. Sow about 30g on the fly for 10 sqm. Rake to lightly bury the seeds.
I harvest: "I cut and grind"
When flowering, cut and grind the plants with the mower. Allow to dry on site for 8 days. Bury the plant matter on the ground or put it in a composter. It takes 4 to 5 weeks for these plants to decompose before planting vegetables or flowers.
Straw the soil to prevent the development of unwanted herbs. This is the most effective way to avoid using weedkillers. You will also limit evaporation and therefore the risk of drying out: mulching reduces watering.
Promote the presence of auxiliary insects such as ladybugs and chrysopes, which feast on aphids, by offering them lodgings at the four corners of the garden.
Collect rainwater. This allows plants to be watered at a lower cost with less limestone water without wasting the tap water.
The INCARNAT TRIFle is an annual plant with very pretty red flowers. Like all legumes, it fixes nitrogen from the air and returns it to the soil thanks to its highly developed root system. Its development is rapid and it adapts to all terrains and exhibitions.