This superb mix of very diverse species such as ancolie, gaillarde, or even poet's eyening, will allow you to obtain very beautiful ensembles with abundant flowering and very varied colors.
Flowers every year
This superb mix of very diverse species such as ancolie, gaillarde, or even poet's eyening, will allow you to obtain very beautiful ensembles with abundant flowering and very varied colors.
Height: 75cm
Soil tip:
The plants that make up this mixture appreciate all types of soils.
Deco ideas:
Use this varied blend to create beautiful tall massifs that will reflect each year. Also make beautiful bouquets with these flowers to embellish your interior.
The stages of sowing:
Sow from April to July in a rich and fine land in mid-shade and then cup the soil. At the 3-4 leaf stage, plant the most vigorous plants 10 cm apart in the middle of the shade.
Just before winter, place your potted plants under a shelter.
The following spring, plant them in your garden at their final location.
This superb mix of very diverse species such as ancolie, gaillarde, or even poet's eyening, will allow you to obtain very beautiful ensembles with abundant flowering and very varied colors.