The ACTO blister for bedbugs is a quick and effective repellent and insecticidal solution. It completely eliminates bed bugs in less than 10 hours, dust mites in 8 hours and scabies mites in less than 24 hours after installation.
With protection that lasts from 8 to 10 weeks, the ACTO pad offers a long-lasting solution to keep your bed free of pests. For cases of heavy infestation, use ACTO Special Bed Bug Aerosol before placing the blisters.
The ACTO blister for bedbugs is a quick and effective repellent and insecticidal solution. It completely eliminates bed bugs in less than 10 hours, dust mites in 8 hours and scabies mites in less than 24 hours after installation.
With protection that lasts from 8 to 10 weeks, the ACTO pad offers a long-lasting solution to keep your bed free of pests. For cases of heavy infestation, use ACTO Special Bed Bug Aerosol before placing the blisters.
Enriched with a pleasant fragrance with essential oils, the ACTO pad not only eliminates pests, but also refreshes your bed. Simply place a blister between the mattress and the box spring, and the biocidal effect begins after 6 hours.
Product Details:
Precautions: Do not use in children under 48 months of age. May cause skin allergy and severe eye irritation. Very toxic to aquatic organisms, causes long-term adverse effects.
Use biocides with caution. Before use, read the label and product information. Dangerous products: follow the precautions for use.