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Weedkiller Polyvalent Garden , 500 ml sprayer

The Versatile Garden Solabiol weeding works by contact and eliminates major weeds, mosses and algae. Composed of active ingredients of plant origin, this weedkiller allows a rapid return of the animals to the treated surfaces, as soon as the product has dried.
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The Versatile Garden Solabiol weeding works by contact and eliminates major weeds, mosses and algae. Composed of active ingredients of plant origin, this weedkiller allows a rapid return of the animals to the treated surfaces, as soon as the product has dried. 500ml spray

How to use it:

Shake the sprayer well before use.
Press the top of the sprayer's head in the "PRESS" position to unlock the tip and rotate it in the "ON" position.
The product is used when weeds are young and growing (less than 10 cm). Apply the product directly and evenly to the weeds to be destroyed.
After use, rotate the tip of the sprayer's head again to put it back in the "PRESS" position.
Retreat in case of a new infestation.

- for temperatures above or above 20oC

Regulatory data:

AMM: 140167
Composition: 29.7 g/L Caprylic acid (octanoic acid 1.8% m/m) - capric acid (acid
decanoque 1.2% m/m) -
Ranking: WARNING SGH07 H319

Dangerous. Follow the precautions of use. Use phytopharmaceuticals with caution. Before any use,
read the label and product information. Biocontrol products, under articles L.253-5 and L.253-7 code
rural areas and marine fishing.

Precautions of employment

Wearing gloves is recommended during all handling phases. Do not eat, drink or smoke during use. Do not apply on turf. Do not apply after rain or if there is a risk of rain within an hour of treatment. Do not treat in windy weather. Avoid spraying and runoff to nearby plants. To protect aquatic organisms, do not apply to waterproof surfaces near a water point such as bitumen, concrete, pavement or slabs. Re-entry time: Do not return to the treated area (including animals) until it is completely dried. Keep the product in its original packaging, free from moisture and off-freeze. Do not discharge unused can bottoms and sprayer wash water into the sink, gutter or other water point. Re-use of prohibited packaging. Do not dispose of in household garbage cans, but eliminate packaging with or without a product in the garbage or by an approved organization.

If you have any questions about this product, about its use before its purchase, we invite you to contact us on 04 77 76 00 29 and ask Olivier GASQ holder of a certiphyto
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