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File a review on

Why file a notice?

multitanks offers customers the opportunity to share their shopping experience on the website . Whether you are happy or dissatisfied with your purchase, the quality of the product purchased, the quality of our services, delivery times, come write your opinion on our website and share your experience with our other customers and visitors. ALL reviews are published to be as transparent as possible!

To encourage our customers to leave a notice, we offer a 5% discount coupon after each notice filed, which is sent automatically by email.

How do I file a notice?

In order to write a review on, you will need to log on to the site by clicking on the link at the top of the page"identify yourself". After you've done this, you'll arrive on this page:

Then click on the link "My reviews" . A page will then show the different products you've purchased and comment on.

In the middle of the page will be displayed a small insert to be able to note the produt of 1 to 5 stars. Pass your mouse over the stars so you can select the number of stars you want and click on them. To leave a text, click on the "note the product" link just below. A new window will be highlighted:

In the title field, give a title in your opinion, and then you can describe your buying experience in the comments field just below. To validate this one, you'll just have to click the Send button. The notice sent will be subject to moderation and will be published within 24 hours