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Water management, a fully automated device

A complete system that collects, stores, distributes,

(no noise, no suction problems)

Gestion de l'eau dans une maison

Collect and Filter

1 - Recovering water from the roof and feeding the storage tank

2 - Filtering and by-pass, water arrives on a self-cleaning filter with a sloped plane. The leaves and other materials are evacuated by the overflowing and do not enter the tank.


3 - Filling the tank with a dipping tube to avoid swirling

4 - Too full of water drain when the tank is fully full. The water is collected on the surface, which allows the floating to be evacuated


5 - Float suction pipe, which allows you to track the water level and pump into the clearest slice of water. The hose is equipped with a spine and an anti-return valve

6 - Fully automatic submerged pump and level probe

7 - DMG centering, in case of lack of water in the tank (the information is given by the probe) the electrovane is opened and the tank is supplied with city water for a fixed time (a few minutes)


The pump is immersed in the tank, the back-up hose is connected to equipment receiving rainwater. The suction hose follows the water level, allowing perfectly clear water to be sucked in. When opening a faucet the pump starts automatically and it automatically stops at closing (the pump being in the water, it emits no noise). In times of drought the tank is fed by the city water system. A minimum level is maintained until the next rainwater filling (this device ensures a total disconnection between the city water system and rainwater)