A vigorous and climbing variety with purple trumpet-shaped flowers.
Vigorous variety
A vigorous and climbing variety with purple trumpet-shaped flowers.
Height: 4m
Soil tip:
The ipomées appreciate rich, well-drained soils.
Deco ideas:
Combine ipomes with other climbers such as clematis, capuchins or cobs. They can also embellish your walls and balconies thanks to their abundant flowering.
The stages of sowing:
Sow from April to June in the middle of the earth 5-6 seeds in small shallow holes or in lines 50 cm apart.
As you grow, thin the smallest plants to leave only one ipomée every 50 cm.
Ont peux donner d avis tant que les gaines sont pas semer en avril
A vigorous and climbing variety with purple trumpet-shaped flowers.