The 60-liter High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) drum is ideal for storing, handling and transporting liquid or viscous products in the chemical, petrochemical and food (FDA) industries. Its extrusion blow mould design allows optimal resistance to chemicals, lightness, odorlessness and suitability for packaging food products.
The 60-liter High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) drum is ideal for storing, handling and transporting liquid or viscous products in the chemical, petrochemical and food (FDA) industries. Its extrusion blow mould design allows optimal resistance to chemicals, lightness, odorlessness and suitability for packaging food products.
The drum is equipped with an integrated central handle on top and two side handles for easy handling. To facilitate optimal emptying, it has two practical grips located on the bottom of the barrel. The BCS 56 x 4 and 24 x 4 type allow easy and fast use.
The drum is in accordance with UN recommendations and derived modal regulations (RID/ADR, IATA, IMDG code). It can carry liquid dangerous goods with a maximum density of 1.5 (Group II).
The drum is resistant to most chemicals. It is not afraid of aging or corrosion. It is also easily stackable, palletizable and recyclable. To ensure the inviolability of the contents, clip-on plastic capsules are available.
The drum is customizable by labeling or by a printed polyethylene sleeve. It comes in blue body with a height of 620 mm and a diameter of 400 mm. Its total overflow capacity is 65.5 L with a corkless mass of approximately 2.5 kg.
In short, the 60-liter High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) drum made by extrusion blow molding is an ideal choice for the storage, handling and transport of liquid or viscous products in various industries. Its optimized design allows easy and fast use, while guaranteeing the safety and quality of your products.