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Welcoming birds into your garden: good practices to follow

Welcoming birds into your garden: good practices to follow

Categories : Advice
Birds are an inexhaustible source of beauty, color and music in our environment. Having birds in your garden can be a rewarding and educational experience. By welcoming birds into your garden, you can help protect these wild creatures and provide them with a safe haven. There are many good practices to follow in welcoming birds into your garden, such as providing food, shelter and water, installing perches and feeders, preserving natural habitats, and avoiding harmful chemicals. By following the practices below, you can create a welcoming environment for birds and enjoy their presence in your garden.

  1. Provide food: Make food available for birds, such as seeds or fat balls.
  2. Provide water: A clean watering hole is essential for birds, especially in summer.
  3. Install a nesting box: A nesting box can provide a safe place for birds to nest and breed.
  4. Plant shrubs and trees: Shrubs and trees can provide shelter for birds and help maintain the ecosystem.
  5. Avoid chemicals: Avoid using pesticides and chemicals in your garden to protect birds and their habitat.
  6. Leave fallen leaves: fallen leaves can provide habitat for insects and small animals that birds can eat.
  7. Provide perches: Natural perches such as branches or wooden posts can provide a place for birds to rest and relax.
  8. Plant local plants: Local plants can provide year-round food sources for birds.
  9. Create wetlands: Wetlands such as ponds or pools can attract a variety of waterfowl.
  10. Avoid cats: domestic cats can be predators for birds, so be sure to keep them indoors or watch them closely when they are outside. Position feeders and nest boxes out of reach of cats at a minimum height of 1.2m in shrubs
  11. Bird watching: taking time to sit and watch the birds in your garden can be very satisfying and relaxing.
  12. Share with others: share your birding experience with family and friends, and encourage them to adopt similar practices.
  13. Provide a variety of food: To attract more species of birds, offer a variety of foods, such as seeds, fruits, insects and nuts.
  14. Install bird feeders: Feeders can help concentrate birds in a specific area and feed them safely.
  15. Provide winter shelter: birdhouses can provide a safe haven for birds during the colder months.
  16. Create a peaceful space: avoid creating a noisy or hectic environment that can scare birds and disrupt their habitat.
  17. Plant edible flowers: Edible flowers can provide a food source for birds and add color and beauty to your garden.
  18. Preserve natural habitats: Work to preserve natural habitats such as forests and wetlands for birds by limiting deforestation and pollution.

In conclusion, welcoming birds into your garden can be a rewarding and beneficial activity for the birds and for you. There are many good practices to follow to create a safe and welcoming environment for birds, such as providing food, shelter and water, installing perches and feeders, preserving natural habitats, and avoiding harmful chemicals. It is now easy to support these efforts with the availability of nature bird products such as seeds, feeders and nest boxes, available online in our store. By purchasing these nature bird products, you can help protect these wild creatures and provide them with a safe haven.

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