110 articles
Recharge your air conditioning with the Duracool 12a
Published : 06/13/2022 | Categories : AdviceDuracool 12a is a cooling gas used to replace R12 and R134a gases. This gas is known and appreciated for its ecological qualities since it does not produce greenhouse gases
When and how to prune red sage?
Published : 06/13/2022 | Categories : AdviceSage (Salvia officinalis) is one of the most widely used medicinal plants. One of its varieties, called red sage also has many health benefits.
What type of climbing flowers to adopt?
Published : 06/13/2022 | Categories : AdviceDo you want to change your landscape and have more plants in your garden? One of the most used solutions is to choose climbing plants and let them evolve along the sea bass
How to customize a vegetable garden?
Published : 06/13/2022 | Categories : AdviceHaving a vegetable garden at home has become a dream for so many people who want to escape for a few minutes, or even a few hours, in order to de-stress and forget all their problems.
How to choose the right fertilizer?
Published : 06/13/2022 | Categories : AdviceBetween mineral, chemical or organic fertilizer, the choice seems a little difficult. It is certain that fertilizers are essential to feed your plants well and bring color to your
Why use Duracool 12a gas?
Published : 05/13/2022 | Categories : AdviceGas Duracool 12a is well known to professionals in refrigeration and air conditioning, but also to some professionals in automotive mechanics
Which irrigation system to choose for your garden?
Published : 05/13/2022 | Categories : AdviceBefore even setting up a garden or vegetable garden in your property, it is important to ask yourself the question of the irrigation system. How should you water the plants in your garden?
Which flowers to plant in spring?
Published : 05/13/2022 | Categories : AdviceIf we are often used to planting flowers in autumn, it is quite possible to indulge in this pleasant activity in spring, but provided you choose the right species.