Late variety giving very beautiful golden yellow pods, long, flat and wide. Row beans offer the advantage of a very high yield. Their use is therefore recommended for small vegetable gardens and sheltered crops.
Late variety giving very beautiful golden yellow pods, long, flat and wide. Row beans offer the advantage of a very high yield. Their use is therefore recommended for small vegetable gardens and sheltered crops. Wonder of Venice is a variety of belated bean eats, giving very beautiful golden yellow pods, 20 cm long on average, flat and wide, absolutely wireless. Its grain is wine-colored.
Advice Vilmorin :
To successfully sow, sow sunny exposure in a light, healthy and properly warmed soil because the beans fear the cold.
"Eattout" beans can be harvested up to an advanced stage of development because they do not make wires or parchments
Culture advice:
1. Sows: Sow from late April to July, in lines 70 cm apart, 4 to 5 grains in small shallow holes (called poquets) spaced on the 40 cm line. Be careful not to bury your seeds more than 2-3 cm deep.
2. Buttage: When your bean feet are 10 to 12 cm long, bin a second time and then bring some soil back to the feet of your beans.
3. Paling: Ram with a pole of about 2.5 m or more easily with a rowing net or fence.
4. Harvest: Harvest from July to September every 5 to 7 days.
Beans like the proximity of the savory which has a protective action against aphids.
200gr box
Late variety giving very beautiful golden yellow pods, long, flat and wide. Row beans offer the advantage of a very high yield. Their use is therefore recommended for small vegetable gardens and sheltered crops.