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Tous les produits présents dans les catégories ci dessous sont des produits en déstockage pour diverses raisons: retours clients , arret de gammme d'un produit, emballages abimés lors des livraisons, dates d'utilisations conseillées dépassées... Tous les produits ont été vérifiés et sont en parfait état de fonctionnement.
Moroccan mint is a perennial aromatic plant with many green leaves, slightly embossed and very sweet scent. This is the variety to use for making the famous mint tea!
Moroccan mint is a perennial aromatic plant with many green leaves, slightly embossed and very sweet scent. This is the variety to use for making the famous mint tea!
Perennial plant To perfume many dishes Spreads easily
Mint likes the proximity of cabbage because it promotes its growth and enhances its flavor, while removing the pierid which can cause havoc on cabbage plants. It also enjoys alongside other aromatics such as sage or thyme. Because of its strong smell, it is also known to keep aphids, ants and carrot fly away from it. The latter, with its Latin name Psila rosae, is a fearsome insect with the appearance of a small black fly with an orange head, measuring about 5 mm. It attacks carrots, but also parsnips, celery or parsley by laying its eggs right next to vegetables, on the ground. The larvae then devour the roots of the plants by digging tunnels from the surface of the soil to their tips. The roots end up rotting. It is all the more difficult to get rid of this pest because its larvae are able to hibernate in the soil. Finally, mint is an excellent honeyflower that delights bees and other looters. On the other hand, mint does not like it next to fennel, asparagus or zinnia.
Family: AROMATIC SEMENCES Latin name: Mentha spicata Type: Aromatic Hybrid: NO Getting: NO Sowing period: March to July Harvest period: All year round Height: 70 cm Exhibition: Mid-shadow Watering: Light Net weight in g: 0.3 Soil: Soil rather rich, fresh and moist. Ground T: 15 degrees C EPP:NO No. Seeds: 1 g - 1500 seeds - 450 seeds in this packet
Moroccan mint is a perennial aromatic plant with many green leaves, slightly embossed and very sweet scent. This is the variety to use for making the famous mint tea!