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Sauge Seeds Bag Officinale BIO - Salvia officinalis

Few plants have such a universal reputation. Sage is, from China to Europe, used since ancient times as much as an aroma as for its medicinal virtues. Its grey-green foliage highlights its pretty purple-lila flowers.
14 Items
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Few plants have such a universal reputation. Sage is, from China to Europe, used since ancient times as much as an aroma as for its medicinal virtues. Its grey-green foliage highlights its pretty purple-lila flowers.

Tip Vilmorin : More fragile in the first year, she fears weeds and drought; straw his foot to limit the evaporation and proliferation of weeds.

Sow in pots, planters or in the open ground, on sunny exposure, and harvest the leaves, the year after sowing to give the plant time to grow.

Taste the leaves, seasoning with white meats or in an infusion.

Powerful taste and camphor.
14 Items

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