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Phytosanitary Products Against Boxwood Moth

Box moth

Protect your garden with our phyto products against boxwood moth. Every item in our range has been rigorously tested to ensure optimal efficiency. Our phytosanitary treatments, including natural insecticides and organic treatments, have been designed to specifically target boxwood moth without harming the environment. Use our boxwood phytosanitary products to preserve the beauty of your outdoor space and effectively fight against boxwood moth. The solutions we offer are not only ecological, but also affordable, putting quality protection within the reach of all gardeners. Save your boxwood with our boxwood moth solutions.
  • Boxwood moth Ready to use - 750 ml...

    The Boxwood Moth Treatment SOLABIOL offers a powerful healing solution against boxwood moth, a destructive pest for ornamental boxwood in your garden. Composed of extracts of pyrethrum and rapeseed oil, active substances of plant origin, this product acts by contact to quickly eliminate these harmful insects. Its speed of action and efficiency make it an essential choice for the protection of your boxwood, whether indoors or outdoors.
  • Last items in stock

    Solabiol Box borer with Bacillus...

    The boxwood moth SOLABIOL is a powerful biological insecticide that contains an effective microorganism, Bacillus thuringiensis. Its action by ingestion specifically targets the larvae of Lepidoptera (caterpillars), causing a rapid and definitive cessation of their nutrition and leading to their disappearance. The effectiveness of the product depends on the amount ingested by the pests. Spraying is essential to the success of the treatment and must be homogeneous for optimal shock action on larvae and caterpillars. No direct contact with the product required.
  • Solabiol Biological Insecticide...

    The insecticide Biologique SOLABIOL is an innovative biocontrol product designed to offer a shocking action against larvae, phytophagous caterpillars and boxwood moth. Its biological composition makes it usable in organic farming. With 25g divided into 10 sachets of 2.5g, this product can prepare up to 50L of treatment.