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Natural and Organic Plant Protection Products - Protection and Care of Plants

Plant protection products

Welcome to our category of plant protection products! Here you will find a carefully selected range of natural products to help you protect and care for your plants and crops.

Plant protection products are active substances or preparations containing one or more active substances, which are intended to protect plants against all types of pests or to prevent their action. They include herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, growth regulators, among others.

In our shop, we favor products that respect the environment and the health of users. We offer a selection of products of plant or mineral origin, as well as certified organic products for sustainable and ecosystem-friendly agriculture.

Our range of plant protection products meets the specific needs of each type of crop, whether you are an amateur gardener or an agricultural professional. We have selected for you effective, high quality and easy to use products.

Explore our selection and find the plant protection solutions that best suit your needs for a healthy crop and a bountiful harvest

  • SOLABIOL Anti Doryphores 125 ml:...

    SOLABIOL Anti Doryphores 125 ml is a biosecticide designed to protect the vegetable garden and boxwood against various pests, including Colorado beetles and the boxwood moth. Presented in the form of a concentrate, it acts by contact and ingestion to eliminate larvae at different stages of development. Its self-dosing bottle simplifies preparation, limiting dosing errors and facilitating regular application. This product covers up to 833 m², offering extensive effectiveness in organic farming. Its targeted spectrum of action and rapid effect make it possible to quickly limit infestations. Suitable for both amateur and more experienced gardeners, it contributes to the preservation of the vegetable garden and the maintenance of a healthy boxwood hedge. By following the recommendations for use, you limit the damage caused by Colorado beetles or the boxwood moth and effectively protect your crops.
  • Bordeaux Mixture Solabiol 1.1 kg:...

    The Bordeaux Mixture Solabiol 1.1 kg offers a prevention and treatment solution against several fungal diseases such as downy mildew, peach leaf curl or apple scab. Composed mainly of copper sulphate, it has a slight blue-green tint and can be used in organic farming. Its instructions for use can be summed up in a few simple steps: fill a sprayer halfway, weigh the necessary dose of product (12.5 g per scoop) and top up with water before spraying. Treatment intervals vary according to plant growth and climatic hazards (rain, heat, etc.). It is advisable to wear protective equipment during application and to scrupulously follow the precautions for use. This uncoloured formulation limits the visual impact of the treatment on plants while maintaining an effective barrier against fungi. La Bouillie Bordelaise Solabiol adapts to various needs, for a healthy and preserved garden.
  • Bordeaux Porridge Solabiol Uncoloured...


    Bordeaux Mixture Solabiol is a 400g uncoloured mineral fungicide designed to provide your plants with preventive and curative protection against a multitude of diseases. Long recognized for its virtues, Bordeaux Mixture is a preferred choice for gardeners for its exceptional fungicidal properties.

    This multifunctional product acts effectively against downy mildew whether it is that of vines, potatoes or tomatoes. In addition to downy mildew, Porridge Bordelaise Solabiol is also effective against peach leaf curl and apple scab, two diseases that can cause significant damage to your garden if left untreated.