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ORGANIC aromatic seeds

ORGANIC aromatic seeds

  • ORGANIC Common Deer Seed Bag -...

    At the base of the "fine herbs", this aromatic plant has a subtle and delicate fragrance that allows to enhance the taste of many dishes: salads, soups and sauces. Ideal for a potted crop
  • Organic Dark Green Fried Parsley Seed...

    This fast-growing variety of curly parsley can be accommodated on all grounds. Very decorative, it will also allow you to season all your dishes
  • Bag seeds Basil Genovese BIO - Ocimum...

    This aromatic plant with broad leaves is very popular in the kitchen. It is ideal for garnishing and flavouring salads, raw vegetables, meats and sauces. A few chiseled leaves in a bottle of olive oil allow the seasonings to be flavoured
  • Organic Giant Parsley Seeds Bag -...

    Originally from the Mediterranean regions and known since ancient times, parsley is one of the most cultivated aromatic herbs in the world. This broad-leafed variety is the most fragrant of all common parsleys
  • Dine Seeds Bag Danish very fine BIO -...

    A native of China, where it has been grown for 4000 years. Its hollow leaves regrow after cutting. They do not withstand winter frost, but their strain is reborn every spring
  • Sauge Seeds Bag Officinale BIO -...

    Few plants have such a universal reputation. Sage is, from China to Europe, used since ancient times as much as an aroma as for its medicinal virtues. Its grey-green foliage highlights its pretty purple-lila flowers.
  • Aneth Officinal BIO Seed Bag -...

    The leaves of the dill have a fresh and spicy taste, reminiscent of both fennel and mint. Its seeds, similar to cumin, serve as an aroma for pickles, vinegar and preserves.
  • Bag seeds Coriander Grown BIO -...

    This aromatic plant, native to the Orient, is easy to grow. Its leaves, with a fresh taste so special, are used to lift dishes. Its seeds (actually fruits), whole, serve as spice, and ground, as a base for curries.
  • Origan PAULA BIO Seed Bag - Origanum...

    This aromatic plant, known since antiquity and whose name means "joy of the mountains" in Greek, is widespread in the wild in Europe. It is also called wild marjoram or red tea.
  • Sachet seeds Thyme de Provence BIO -...

    Known for a very long time and widespread in the noon, thyme is inseparable from the traditions and cuisine of southern Europe. It is essential for flavouring short broths, sauces and marinades and flavouring grilled meats and salads
  • Organic Green Basil Seed Bag

    This variety, ideal for potted cultivation, is very decorative thanks to its dense foliage, composed of small leaves. Basil, native to India where it was attributed a divine nature, is widely used in southern cuisine
  • CHIA Seed Bag - Hispanic Sage - BIO

    This annual variety of sage, native to Mexico, is known for its production of small brown seeds, fairly neutral in taste but full of benefits. It also offers pretty purple flowers. Drought-resistant, it can't stand frost.
  • Bag of seeds Organic Bear Garlic

    Bear garlic is considered a popular choice for gardeners and gardening enthusiasts because of its ability to produce an abundance of garlic heads. It is also highly valued for its strong taste and versatile use in cooking.
  • Seed bag Tuberous Parsley Halbange BIO

    Halbange tuberous parsley is a hardy and original variety of parsley that produces edible roots in addition to the well-known aromatic leaves. These roots resemble small parsnips, have a crunchy texture and a slightly sweet and spicy taste reminiscent of celeriac. They can be eaten raw in salads or cooked in puree, soup or as an accompaniment to meat and fish.