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  • Sanibact 500ml

    SANIBACT is a disinfectant that has been designed for evaporators, air channels and any type of surface that requires cleaning at the level of deep disinfection.
  • Luxedo , scented conditioner...

    LUXEDO is a chemical scented, specific to fast-acting and effective, formulated for cleaning evaporators. Eliminates organic residues and dirt accumulated over time, slowing their reappearance
  • INTERIOR PURIFIEr strawberry scent...

    INTERIOR PURIFIER is a purifying treatment to cleanse and refresh the interiors, leaving a pleasant feeling of cleanliness.
  • Gel hydroalcoolique SANIHANDS 1 litre
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    SANIHANDS 1 litre hydroalcoholic gel

    SANIHANDS is a hygienic hand gel with a 70% amount of alcohol. It eliminates viruses, germs and bacteria from the skin by offering a deep cleansing action of your hands, eliminating the risk of contamination.