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  • Seeds Bag Poet's Eye varied pationata


    Remarkable variety by its abundant flowering that gives the top of its long stems real bouquets of flowers with bright and bright colors ranging from white to garnet.

  • Bag seeds Eye of India Carmen


    This rustic variety, distinguished by the duration and abundance of its flowering, produces beautiful double, brown flowers, bordered by a fine line of gold. The eyen sheilled of India loves heat, the sun and can withstand drought.

  • Seeds Bag Indian Double Dwarf Sweet...


    Very nice mix of varieties with compact port giving a beautiful set of varied colors, intense and warm. The eyen sheilled of India loves heat, the sun and can withstand drought.

  • Indian Eyelet Lemon Seed Bag


    Variety whose lemon-yellow flowers evoke the alveoli of a swarm of bees. The eyen sheilled of India loves heat, the sun and can withstand drought.

  • Orange Globe Indian Eye Seeds Bag


    Variety whose flowers of a beautiful orange very bright evoke the alveoli of a swarm of bees. The eyen sheilled of India loves heat, the sun and can withstand drought.

  • Poet's Eye Seed Bag Varied Swallow


    This variety will give you at the top of its stems bouquets formed by many flowers in various colors. Its flowering is abundant and bright.

  • Seeds Bag Double Vilmorin varied...


    Double Vilmorin varied china eye. This variety of carns with low, compact and abundant vegetation produces large flowers with bright colors ranging from white to red.

  • Bag seeds seeds Carnation giant Chabaud picoté
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    Giant Eye Anddling Seed Bag Pecked


    Flowering and fragrant variety, whose large, finely serrated two-coloured flowers will embellish your
    gardens and bouquets.

  • TeatIng Florists' Eye Bag


    Beautiful variety of adil whose long rigid stems carry large fragrant flowers with multicolored toothed petals.

  • Seed Bag Eye of Inde Bolero


    This variety, with large brown and golden yellow flowers very fragrant, is distinguished by the duration and abundance of its flowering. The eyen sheilled of India loves heat, the sun and can withstand drought.

  • Miniature Indian Eye Seeds Bag...


    A very flowering dwarf plant forming a real flower cushion by the multitude of flowers ranging from light yellow to dark orange that cover a fine and elegant foliage that is also very decorative. The eyen sheilled of India loves heat, the sun and can withstand drought.

  • Indian EyeLet Double Dwarf Varied 50%...

    Very nice mix of varieties with compact port giving a nice set of intense and warm colors. The Carnation of India likes heat, sun and withstands drought well.
  • Seed bag Carnation Simple Sweetness...

    The Mignardise Simple Varié carnation from Vilmorin is a variety of annual carnations that is characterized by its abundant and colorful flowering. The flowers can be red, pink or white and are about 2.5 cm in diameter. The leaves are dark green and simple.