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  • Bag seeds Rose of Indian double large...


    A variety with very fragrant dark green foliage, giving many double flowers, 10 to 12 cm in diameter, with various colours. With their bright colours and long and abundant flowering, these strong Indian roses are ideal for embellishing your tall and bordered beds.

  • Large-scale double tremière seed bag


    This perennial and vigorous variety will give you along its rigid stems beautiful flowers in the shape of large pompoms with colors ranging from white to garnet. Tremoe roses are very beautiful flowers within high beds or as a wall. Water them regularly.

  • Kilimanjaro Indian Rose Seed Bag


    Variety producing many original flowers with their creamy white colors. With their bright colours and long and abundant flowering, these very robust Indian roses are ideal for embellishing your tall and bordered beds.

  • Pastoral Pink Seed Bag


    Beautiful variety whose large and open flowers have pastel colors ranging from yellow to apricot. Tremoe roses are very beautiful flowers within high beds or as a wall. Water them regularly

  • Bag seeds Rose of indian dwarf varied


    This dwarf variety gives beautiful round flowers reminiscent of chrysanthemum with colors ranging from lemon yellow to orange. With their bright colours and long and abundant flowering, these very robust Indian roses are ideal for embellishing your low beds and borders.